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Exceeding Your Expectations



These are live animals and very precious to me, therefore I reserve the right to cancel any sale at any time. Any money that has been invested in the rabbit (such as holding/reserving fees), before the cancelled sale will be refunded to you in full.
 1. Prices of rabbits will vary based on quality, type, age, color, show-ablity, sex and breedablity.
2. Rabbits sold as “show stock” mean that they are able to be shown and have no disqualifications. I cannot guarantee any wins.
3. If you discover a disqualification within seven days of buying the rabbit, we will refund your money with the return of the rabbit.
4.When buying from MG's Hoppy Lops, you gain lifetime support and guidance from me. I love my rabbits very much and am happy to answer any questions you have over the lifetime of your rabbit.

-Mary Grace Owner of MG's Hoppy Lops Rabbitry

Sales Policy: Services
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